Willowbroook Church in Huntsville, Alabama Confronts Easter with Covid-19 Restrictions

Willowbroook Church in Huntsville, Alabama Confronts Easter with Covid-19 Restrictions

The American people have always turned to the church as a place of refuge in the toughest times. During a crisis, people find great comfort gathering with others in the family of faith to worship, pray and encourage one another. This has happened in times of war, in times of economic distress, and in times of national crisis, such as after 9/11.

For the first time in national history, churches cannot gather because of necessary and wise restrictions on gathering, made in response to the Covid-19 pandemic facing us presently. For the first time in our country’s history, we will have an Easter where churches cannot gather people together to worship on what is traditionally the most highly attended Sunday of the year, Easter Sunday. Just because churches can’t gather in person, it doesn’t mean Easter services are cancelled. If anything, people are more eager for the hope and connection of Easter, just delivered in a different way.

Churches are having to adapt and find new ways to worship together. Churches like Willowbrook Church, in Huntsville Alabama, are now streaming services and members are watching online in their homes with their families. Mark McClelland, Pastor of Willowbrook, admits that these are unusual times, but says we are blessed to be living in a time where online streaming is possible. Willowbrook has been streaming services since March 15 on Facebook and their website each week. Pastor Mark is very pleased that thousands have watched these services and the replays, but he knows these are no substitute for having the congregation meet in person on Sunday.

This will be a Easter like no other, but Pastor Mark hopes that many will choose the online option. Even though they will be in their living rooms and with at most a few people, and not in a worship center with hundreds, they can still celebrate the greatest day in human history; the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Location Info:
Willowbrook Baptist Church Huntsville
7625 Bailey Cove Rd SE, Huntsville, AL 35802, Huntsville, Alabama 35802

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